Saturday, November 24, 2007


Just a few more from today.


Sean (53AN) Gardner said...

looks like the whole 3/4s thing is working for ya so far

Emily Byrne said...

Tapping foot, waiting for updates to this blog......:0)

Unknown said...

Sabes encontrar la esencia de las personas.

Buenas caricaturas.

Un saludo.

Steve Hearn said...

You have been and always will be a total inspiration and hero of mine... LOVE your work and totally respect you!

Angela Campisi said...

When you gonna put more stuff up.
I keep checking back.

Angie Jordan said...

Hi Dion!

I've added your link to my blog.
I realize you may be buys, but when you have time, can you please add my link?

Just in case, here is link:

Thanks a bunch!

Tooninator said...

hey Dion....Great blog here. I'm a few weeks into my first park caricature gig, and I'm trying to learn so much so quickly. I'll be back to take some notes.

Dominic Philibert said...

Excellent caricatures!!!

hanzz said...

Wow, impressive, added your blog to my favourites

ramanjit said...

greatAll the best in the New Year !

Wittygraphy: The Caricature Community said...

yes a lot of nice stuff on this blog

JPA studios said...

Great stuff Dion

Karl said...

Hello Dion, just found your blog whilst surfing the net looking for some Caricaturist to get some inspiration from.

Great Stuff bud.
How long you been doing this?

Huck said...

Dion, what kind of marker are you using here and where can I get (order) some???? Please help! I've been using the Copic but they are so expensive. Thanks man!

Jagdish Bhawsar said...

hi Dion..., I like your line style very very much.If you dont mind can you join my blog in your blog list....? I'll very thankful...!
my blog is

Eddie Van Gogh said...

Hi Dion, just found your blog through looking at Ken Knafou album in FB...enjoyed seeing some of your work :D

Christian said...

Hopefully with the content on this blog, I can add to my insight, thank you |
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ahmed said...

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