I started this blog in an effort to force myself to try some different things. It dawned on me a while back that I've been doing caricatures for almost 20 years(or more???) and all I could really do was front face caricature. I'm really trying to do some three quarter views, as I think you can see so much more information about the face from this angle...but I am having SUCH a hard time with it. It's one thing to know a theory about how and why something works, the APPLICATION of that theory,...well, that can be an entirely different animal!
I did a gig yesterday with some great friends, and really talented artists here in Tampa. I only had a hand full of sketches that I liked, but what I'm happiest about is that I kept trying the different approaches even though I was uncomfortable doing them. For me, it's very difficult to try new things in public. I guess I've been doing this long enough that I don't want to look like I dont know what I'm doing. It's really hard to break out of that comfort zone for me.
These are some of the sketches from yesterday.